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Laying the Foundations for Real Democracy
Roslyn Fuller

Jan 8, 20241 min read
The Irish Times: The Bill Gates Problem
Review of "The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire" by Tim Schwab in the Irish Times As the festive...

Nov 28, 20231 min read
Democracy in Africa Blog - Principles of Digital Democracy
Guest article on the Democracy in Africa (DiA) blog on "Principles of Digital Democracy - Theory and Case Studies". It is unfortunate...

Jul 19, 20231 min read
Bürgerräte - Eine Kritische Betrachtung
Position paper (German) on the concept of citizens' assemblies and their negative impact on democratic institutions. Download the PDF here

Dec 29, 20221 min read
Book Review: “Two Cheers for Politics”
DUKE LAW PROFESSOR Jedediah Purdy is a man with a plan for political reform, and he outlines this plan towards the end of his latest...

Dec 14, 20212 min read
LA Review of Books: The United States Is Not a Democracy
Recently featured on the LA Review of Books as one of the best articles in LARB's 10 year history in the category of Law, in this article...

Oct 7, 20211 min read
Spiked: Identity politics is a menace to democracy
Like many people, I have long struggled to fully understand wokeness and identity politics. Now, as a half-Spanish / South American...

Aug 30, 20211 min read
Book Review: Why the Corporate World went Woke
Roslyn Fuller reviews Woke, Inc. by Vivek Ramaswamy In 2016, Forbes placed Vivek Ramaswamy at No24 on its rich list of young American...

Aug 30, 20211 min read
Book Review: A Call to Re-Embrace Our Privacy
Roslyn Fuller reviews “I Have Nothing to Hide”: And 20 Other Myths About Surveillance and Privacy by Heidi Boghosian. WHEN I STARTED...

Aug 24, 20211 min read
The Irish Times: Remote work can put commuters back into the community
Perhaps one of the most unexpected highlights of the pandemic has been how much those who are able to avail of working from home enjoy...

Aug 18, 20211 min read
Letters on Liberty - "Liberty in a Narcissistic Age"
Roslyn Fuller examines the contemporary problem of narcissism, and why an individualistic outlook on life is a barrier to progress. From...

Jan 29, 202127 min read
The Billionaire Takeover of Civil Society
As the founder and operator of a civil society organization, I’ve often been astounded at calls to give NGOs a greater say in...

Jul 27, 20201 min read
Irish Times: I went from criticising how democracy was practised to having to defend it as a concept
When I started researching democracy almost 15 years ago while writing my PhD at Trinity, many people expressed scepticism about my...

May 8, 20201 min read
Tha National Interest: The New Authoritarianism: Trump, Populism, and the Tyranny of Experts
In this brief work, American sociologist Salvatore Babones makes the explosive argument that the most pressing threat of authoritarianism...

Dec 15, 20191 min read
LA Review of Books / Truthdig: Snowden: A Whistle-Blower Who Lived to Tell About It
I GENERALLY CARE relatively little for the personal lives of people of note, but something that always nagged me just slightly about...

Nov 27, 20192 min read
IPPR: Beyond the ‘Populist’ Label
Why it's time for progressive parties to embrace ‘populism’ One of the more common trends in the political commentary of past years is to...

Nov 22, 20191 min read
The UK in a Changing Europe: Why an election cannot replace a referendum
There are certainly good reasons to view Britain’s upcoming 12 December election as a de facto second Brexit referendum – just look at...

Sep 27, 20191 min read
Spiked: In Defence of the People
When I began to study democracy over a dozen years ago, few of the so-called cultural elite were in a rush to argue against it as a form...

Sep 8, 20191 min read
Financial Times: Ave Imperator? Boris Johnson owes a debt to the Romans
What have the Romans ever done for us?” the actor John Cleese once asked, in a famous Monty Python sketch, before being forced to admit a...

Jul 26, 20192 min read
Unherd: Don’t be fooled by citizens’ assemblies
There is no democracy without equal participation Over the past few years, it has become quite fashionable to speak of ‘threats to...

Jan 25, 20191 min read
Kommersant: The Price of the Issue
Roslyn Fuller, Professor at the Solonian Democracy Institute, on the Irish Brexit test After a week of upheaval, when the House of...

Oct 21, 20187 min read
LA Review of Books: Democracy: The Best of the Worst? A Conversation with Paul Cartledge
EDITOR’S NOTE: Paul Cartledge, a Cambridge professor with a background in the classics, published Democracy: A Lifein 2016. Our reviewer,...

Jul 17, 20186 min read
Village Magazine: Interview with Eleonora Evi - FiveStarMovement
"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at five stars" Roslyn Fuller interviews Eleonora Evi, MEP for Italy’s Five Star...

Nov 7, 201710 min read
LA Review of Books: Pirates, Democracy, and the Digital Revolution
AS AMERICAN DEMOCRACY seems to take another downward bend in its own death spiral with each passing week, the United States might learn a...

Dec 13, 20164 min read
UNA-UK Magazine: Are the people always right?
A discussion between Katy Collins and Roslyn Fuller: Katy Collin, PhD in international relations, School of International Service,...

Oct 31, 201612 min read
LA Review of Books: “Against Democracy” and “Against Elections”: Where Do We Go From Here?
AS THE UNITED STATES APPROACHES a most divisive presidential election, it is hardly surprising to see an upsurge in literature proposing...

Sep 20, 201616 min read
Alternet: Heartbreaking Stories from Academia
“What is education?” Ruth Wangerin asks me, when I Skype the sociology professor at her home in New York. “Is education a good for its...

Sep 15, 20165 min read
RT: Why a US presidential pardon for Edward Snowden is not such a crazy idea after all
This Friday, Oliver Stone’s film 'Snowden' hits theaters. The release will be accompanied by a campaign that is focused on procuring a...

Jul 28, 20165 min read
OpenDemocracy: Using technology to inject the demos back into democracy
The recent Brexit referendum revealed a deep societal rift about what the word ‘democracy’ means. To some, the term ‘democracy’ is...

Jun 21, 201614 min read
LA Review of Books: Democracy — Too Much of a Good Thing?
ANDREW SULLIVAN’S RECENT New York magazine essay, Democracies End When They Are Too Democratic, rattled many a reader and provoked a...

Jun 9, 201611 min read
The Nation: Why Is American Democracy So Broken, and Can It Be Fixed?
Few elections in the Western world offer the spectacle that is an American presidential race. While Brits tend to keep a stiff upper lip...
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